Qt4 for Haiku?

One and a half year ago Evgeny Abdraimov decided to start porting the graphical toolkit QT4 under Haiku. Qt is a multiplatform library for developing GUI programs and is widely used in the KDE Desktop. The toolkit is developed by my friends at Qt Software, Nokia.

The project is hosted at OsDrawer.net, and Evgeny has gotten help by two other Russian developers, that many of us already know, Gerasim Troeglazov (aka 3dEyes) and Anton Sokolov.

The first visible result has been this summer with the launch of Analog Clock one of the examples in the toolkit, but they have since then, come so much further:


The Qt-based browser Arora running on Haiku


On the screenshot you can see the Arora webkit-based browser running on Haiku. You can see several more screenshots of Qt applications running on Haiku over at the site of the Italian User Group, and even better, the first dev preview of the port can be downloaded from BeOSFrance.