Adrien started (what I hope is) a new trend last month, posting monthly reports of the work being done on Haiku, and we now have March's. He goes over the main changes/commits done by the developers, to different areas of Haiku, from packages to drivers/kernel.

One worthy of a mention is a long standing bug that Michael Lotz squashed, which was affecting TuneTracker Systems' work, when it came to working with audio CDs, so that's a big plus to a very successful commercial enterprise based on Haiku. And speaking of such, Ithamar Adema has been working with iZCorp to help them migrate from BeOS/Zeta to Haiku and it has paid off, as they're now shipping their systems with Haiku!! Not only is that great for them, it's very good for Haiku since the fixes/improvements made will be merged back to Haiku's source.

Great stuff everyone, really well done.