A couple of days ago we brought you the news that Stippi (Stephan) would be working full time for Haiku for a period, and that he would be working on the Webkit port. Today we bring you the news of his first blog post about the progress. And what progress it is.

Stippi writes on how he started working (along with Maxime) on the port and his progress, and even before that, when he first tried both Netsurf and Firefox (including trying to port Cairo to Haiku). It's a very interesting read, I assure you, and the end result is a, from the comments to his post, quite usable and very fast native browser (though there's still a lot of work to do of course). Giuseppe over at Haiku-OS.it posted some tasty screenshots for your voyeurism pleasure. Great work Stephan (and Ryan and Maxime), can't wait to see it progress.