As you know, this year Haiku was once again accepted as a mentoring organization for Google's Summer of Code. Since this was announced, students have started looking into the OS, some have even submitted patches and now four have been accepted into this year's GSoC. Here's the list of students along with the projects they'll be working on:

  • Louis Feuvrier - UEFI bootloader
  • Akshay Jaggi - LibUSB port
  • Arvind S Raj - ARM port
  • Zhuowei Zhang - The Go programming language's compiler and runtime port

Haiku's goal is to help students develop their skills and hopefully keep their interest in Haiku alive for the future, so they can continue to contribute to the project. Congratulations to the selected students and hopefully they'll (and in turn Haiku) have a terrific GSoC 2014.