I couldn't believe my eyes when I read about it on the OpenBeOS website: there is going to be an American version of BeGeistert, called WalterCon. For years, people from the United States have indicated they wanted one, and now they will.

But don't start packing yet! The event is scheduled for June 2004, some 8 months from now, and at the moment they are still trying to figure out where it can best be held and what visitors would prefer most on the conference. The OpenBeOS site asks people to send the answers to the following questions to WalterCon at dauwalder dot net:
  1. Yes/No/Maybe - Would you come to a West Coast WalterCon?
  2. Yes/No/Maybe - Would you come to an East Coast WalterCon?
  3. Which of the following would you most like to see:
    • Presentations on the API and the internals
    • Presentations on 3rd-party apps
    • Discussions of R2+
    • Free time to code and hang out
I'm very excited to see an effort like this being taken. Great job!