Here's the other OpenTracker story, promised for today. Axel D?rfler, OT's maintainer would like everyone's opinion on something, so I'll let you read about it in his own words.

Read on... So here's what Axel has to say about this new OT feature he has just implemented:
I've implemented an experimental feature in Tracker: it will now show a folder icon in the right upper corner of the window (CVS version only) that allows you to drag the current folder around, or create symlinks to it without having to open the parent directory.

It doesn't work perfectly yet (i.e. won't work correctly in single window browsing mode [won't update the icon on changes]), but should give a good indication about what it can be used for.

I am interested in how useful is such a feature to others - while I do like it, others may object, and I could be convinced to either remove it again or complete it (make sure it always works correctly).
So there you have it. To help you visualize it, I'm linking a screenshot of this new feature. Remember, this is early work.

To discuss about this, use our OpenTracker Forum, Axel will be monitorizing it.