The developers behind the BeOS IM kit have just released a new version.

The new version has, along with several bug fixes, an improved Deskbar replicant (you can now select status for each protocol and display them), and support for the AIM protocol (Messaging, receiving, online / away / offline notifications). Other changes are:
  • The client can now handle dropped People files and prints their details into the message (name, email, IM connections)
  • Automatically creates contacts when asked for authorization.
  • Contacts are queried for, over all drives.
  • "Action buttons" have been added to the client.
IsComputerOn hopes that many of our readers will download it, and give the developers bug reports and feature requests.

This wasn't the only instant messenger that got updated today though, as also BeMSN v1.5 got released (both for the net_server and for bone).