I got an e-mail from fellow BeOS user Dave Lyon, from Waldo Web Design. He has a proposition for BeOS related sites, so if you have one, this might interest you.

Click on read more if you're curious... Here's the deal Dave proposes:
As an R5 user returning to the fold, I want to do my part to help the whole BeOS community. I feel strongly that Zeta/BeOS has a bright future, even though it'll take some work to get there. But I'm not an application programmer. I do server-side Java and web design during the day and PHP and more design at night. So I wondered what I could do to help. Here is what I decided.

I will make web design templates for any non-commercial BeOS-focused site for free. This includes artwork, etc. For commercial BeOS sites, I will charge $14 USD/hour - 60% off of what I think are already reasonable rates. Hopefully that will leave more money in application development.

By doing this, I am in no way trying to insult the webmasters of sites out there. I am just trying to do my part. I think it's a great offer. And if all you need is an icon or a logo, that's fine. Whatever I can do to help.
Sounds like a nice deal. If you're interested and want to know more, head over to this page to read more about it.