I was out of town yesterday and most of today, so I missed this one (not by much).

OpenBeOS announced yesterday the (much discussed in the past) WalterCon. What is WalterCon? It's a chance to meet people involved with OpenBeOS and other member of the community here in North America. As a bonus, those attending will be the first to find out what the new name is. Read on for more details... Here are more details on WalterCon. Get a pencil and paper... ready? Go!
We will be in Columbus, Ohio on June 19-20, 2004. One short, action packed weekend full of fun and excitement. We'll get started at 9 or 10 AM on Saturday and finish up about 5PM on Sunday.

What will all of this cost? For no more than $110, we supply sleeping arrangements, the conference room, the guest speakers, and internet connectivity in the conference room. You supply your body, food and a PC, if you choose.

Registration is $30. We have 15 rooms reserved for $80 per night at the hotel at which we'll be holding the conference. You're not required to stay at the hotel, but if we can't fill all 15 rooms we may have to call the conference off. Thus, please specify if you'd like to register for the conference only ($30), or if you'd like registration plus lodging ($30 + $80 per night). Double-occupancy ($30 + $40 per night) and triple-occupancy ($30 + $27 per night) will be an option if there are enough interested parties.
So are you phased about it? Want to be there no matter what? Then, by April 15th contact OpenBeOS ( waltercon at dauwalder.net ) and let them know you want to be part of it!