yellowTAB has just announced the opening of their new Job Centre. With this move, they hope to more easily reach, and be reached by potential employees, looking for an opportunity to work with yT. Here's announcement:
yellowTAB is known as a dynamic and fast-growing company. In order to compete successfully we need to employ dedicated and competent employees in all areas. To make sure we reach possible candidates have decided to add a job section to our website. As soon as new job vacancies come up we will publish them here. We are currently looking to strengthen our development team.

Please note that as yellowTAB is based in Germany employees are expected to relocate and learn German.
There already have two openings and more will appear I'm sure, so bookmark the page. Another move that shows yT's fast growth. I believe they're up to 38 people now :)

Update: Another job open has been listed, so you have Bug Hunter, Build Engineer and now RAD GUI Developer.