A few days ago Nvu R1.0 (June 28) was released for the officially supported platforms Windows, MacOS X and Linux. The french developer LoLL has once before done a port of one of the earlier developer releases, and he is now working on a port of the finale release to ZETA. He has also made builds of Firefox and Thunderbird, and added support for ZETA's locale kit to the Mail Daemon Replacement kit.

One of the key developers of Nvu, Daniel Glazman, published on his blog, information about the numbers of downloads compared to 1.0PR, and they show that 1.0 has been downloaded between 5 and 6 times more on a daily basis!

As Macromedia's Dreamweaver has become more and more expensive with every release, the free Nvu is most welcome. And on the ZETA platform it will also be the only easy-to-use WYSIWYG editor available. LoLL, we are looking forward to try your port!