Just got home, and when checking my e-mail, a pleasant surprise, an e-mail from the BeGeistert's infoservice, announcing BeGeistert 017. For the first time ever, and as you can tell from the title, BeGeistert will be held outside of Germany, in Milan, Italy, during the 9th-10th weekend in December. Accomodations will cost 90€ (which include 2 nights, Friday and Saturday, and breakfast), of course, booze (strictly sodas) and extra meals (who needs them during BG!) will be extra. The venue will be a hotel in central Milan.

As the mail mentions, it's a unique opportunity to visit a beautiful city while you're there, attending BG (I've done the same in Dusseldorf), so why not take your better half for a romantic trip to Milan, to spend time with other geeks, around computers? So start checking for ticket prices, like I'm doing, and hop over to Milan. As far as BG is concerned, I guarantee you won't regret it. You can check all of the information over at the BeGeistert page.