Bernd Korz, with the help of Ramshankar (aka Teknomancer) and Matthias, picked together a large number of ZETA screenshots and put together a ZETA Gallery, with several albums, from Media, to Office, passing by System and Graphics among others. In the Media album, you can see some screenshots of the new CD/DVD burning app named Mediafire (already tested it a couple of days ago and it's working nicely, although still incomplete of course).

Another album of interest is MultiUser, which we here at ICO showed you before. In it you can see how the user creation process is done, its several steps, what needs to be filled out, etc. A fast, easy, painless process. Finally, in the Internet and Network album, you can take a peek look at the new application WilmaCon (from Windows, Linux and MacOS Connections, it reminds me of the Flinstones), a front for the recently ported SAMBA. That I haven't had the chance to test unfortunately, no other computer on my network.

It's a large collection of screenshots, so head over and enjoy.