Couple of good news today. First, is an application which has been under development for a bit now, and has just been taken public: the Flick Uploader, by Funky Idea Software, the makers of BePodder. With this great little application, you can, as the name says, upload your photos to the popular online photo sharing site Flickr. It's working under ZETA and R5 (Bone) and as you can see from the screenshot (one from Begasus here) it's quite easy to use and supports tagging your photos.

Update: Regarding the Flickr Uploader, you can read the discussion and collaboration between Funky Idea, Michele Frau and ICO's own Frank, from the first steps of creating the app (its goals, features, etc) to the final draft. It's an interesting read, seeing how a project comes to life.

The other newsbit is that Eric Petit (from Handbrake and Transmission fame, two great apps) has started to work on Haiku's first (to my knowledge) VMWare accelerated video driver. It's working at the moment, though according to Eric shouldn't be much faster than VESA (for now) and hardware cursor is disabled. Very nice work both from Eric and the Funky team.

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