François Revol, aka mmu_man, commited this Saturday to the Haiku's source tree his GoogleFS, a project he started working on about 2 to 3 years ago. GoogleFS is basically a queries bookmark, meaning you can search Google right from your Desktop, be it Haiku or ZETA, and the results are displayed like a regular query you run nowadays.

If you want to try it right now, here are some simple instructions by François:

  • svn up && jam an image
  • make sure your network is set up (qemu handles DHCP nicely it seems).
  • in the terminal, type: mkdir /google *return* and next mount -t googlefs /google

If I'm not mistaken, part of the reason he has now commited his project is the upcoming travels of one Bruno Albuquerque, also known as BGA, who will hold some Haiku Tech Talks at different Google camps. Below you can see a screenshot of GoogleFS in action.

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