Jorge Mare, aka Koki, has been a busy bee, as usual. He writes that Haiku was featured in a Japanese IT news site MYCOM Journal article (scroll down to the bottom). In this article, they managed to get Haiku running in yet another virtualization software, VirtualBox. VirtualBox isn't up to par with its virtual mates like VMWare and Parallels, and where it shows is in the speed, or lack of, since it ran GLTeapot at 1.3FPS. But it's a work in progress and it's always nice to see Haiku featured in a popular news site (not here).

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Koki has also been looking around for a new and improved set of Japanese fonts, to use with Haiku. And in his quest, he found the VLGothic set, which combines latin characters from the M+ Fonts Project with the Sazanami Gothic Japanese font. Here's a screenshot showing Haiku using the VLGothic font set. Good work Koki.