Where to start... first of all, Google has decided to assign 7 students to the Haiku project, in preliminary status, but those were the exact number which Haiku had requested. A very good sign even more so taking in account that 42 students applied to work for Haiku in total. On April 12th the list with the accepted student applications will be posted at Google's Code site. Some pre-GSoC work has already been done and you can see the fruit of such labor in this screenshot.

On another note, Pacman is now running on Haiku. No, not the game but the package manager, part of Arch Linux. As you can see in this update over at BeUser.de (in german of course), coder and user TimGroe2 has been busy at work and has been able to get the app to work, as you can see from the screenshot. It's incomplete still of course, but file management already works.

Another busy coder is aldeck, he got both Bethon and Python (in its version 2.4.4) running on Haiku as well. You can see here some screenshots and also download the apps.

One last item. I was pointed to this screenshot and there you can see a cute new... friend. See what I mean? :) Thanks Ralf.

Update: Silly me, forgot to include in the mix the Lecture that Bruno Albuquerque will be giving at FISL 8.0 (the 8th International Free Software Forum), which will be held in Porto Alegre, Brazil. His lecture will be entitled "Introducing the Haiku Operating System" and will take place on Friday 13th (spooky) between 15h and 16h (that's 3pm and 4pm in the US). If you're in the neighbourhood why not drop by?

Update 2: As you can see from a comment to this piece, Biffuz was able to get his app (work in progress) AtomoCAD to run from within Haiku. You can read the details and see a screenshot at his dev blog. Way cool.