According to this piece over at BeOSFrance (in french of course), it seems that Jean-Louis Gassée has confirmed, in writing, to BeOSFrance, the non-existance of any agreement between yellowTAB and Palmsource, the owners at the time of the Be, Inc IP. This is a new development in the ongoing saga about Zeta's legality (or not), and a surprising one, considering that there was a meeting between Bernd Korz and Jean-Louis a few years ago, during which Zeta was demoed and discussed.

As always, we'll try to bring you more details on all of this, if and when possible. Stay tuned.

Update: I mentioned above that this JLG claim was strange, because of a meeting sometime ago between himself and Bernd, "strangeness" confirmed by Bernd and today by Rémi (from BeOSFrance) by comment (as you can read below). Jean-Louis' comment was made back in November 2004, before such meeting every happened. Thanks all for clearing this up.