Be, Inc And Microsoft Reach Settlement.

Microsoft and Be, Inc announced today that a settlement was reached, concerning the antitrust lawsuit Be, Inc filed against MS, back in February 2002.

As part of the settlement, Be, Inc will receive the amount of $23.250.000 USD, and in what is a peculiar (and funny) note, Microsoft admits to no wrongdoing.

Read more: Be, Inc And Microsoft Reach Settlement.

Bluetooth: Not Only For Communications.

Thanks to Rene Gollent for pointing this one out to me. Sony Ericsson, makers of cell phones (and good ones I might add... if someone wants to offer me the P800, I won't say no), has just released to the public what might very well be the most fun Bluetooth gadget so far... an RC car!

You can control the CAR-100 from your Bluetooth compatible cell phone, for those times when you're bored. Check it out!

DarkWyrkm Updates Again.

DarkWyrm's at it again. He has updated his site with news of some progress being made, with the help of Adi Oanca, on the BWindow and BView classes.

He also says "At this point, he has chosen to work on the server in addition to finishing the above classes, so when I get swamped, someone who busts tail just as much as I do is "covering" for me.". Always a good thing, having a "backup", so to speak.

Be sure we'll keep you posted here at ICO.

YellowTab Sponsors Art Event.

YellowTab has just (and I do mean just) issued a press released about an upcoming art event called WhatIsArt?.

Click on "Read more" for the full press release.

Read more: YellowTab Sponsors Art Event.

New Poll: What if you met JLG?

After the "Underwear" poll (with some... unsettling results) comes a brand new inquisitory poll...

So, you are walking down the street and who do you see right in front of you? The man, the fearless leader himself, Jean-Louis. What do you do then?
Vote away and have fun with the results!

New Alternative OS Magazine.

From the fine folks at ITBug comes the new magazine Beyond, a magazine focused on BeOS and others alternative OSes, like Amiga, Linux and FreeBSD.

Available both in Italian and in English, this first issue of Beyond comes with articles about ADSL on BeOS, a REBOL Tutorial and an overview of yellowTab's Zeta, among others.

It is now ready to download, at BeBits. What are you waiting for? Go get it!

Missing News?

This just came to my attention. Some people might not be seeing all of the headlines, those marked as "Announcement" and "Community", which is quite strange. To fix that (untill I can see what's going on), on the left, click on Topics, then on Announcement then Community. If you go back to the homepage, you'll see them and it won't happen again, hopefully.

I'll try to fix it ASAP.

Blocking Documents

Just read this and thought it'd be interesting to post (if not, leave a comment). In the upcoming Office 2003, users will be able to block the documents they created, even from printing, and also set an expiration date (I wonder if the reader will see a message saying "this document will self-destruct in 5 seconds).

How? Office 2003 will for the first time include tool to restrict access to it's documents. This is the first of a series of steps that Microsoft plans to implement, on their road to Windows Rights Management Services. Fun...

For the full monty, go to CNET.

Read more: Blocking Documents

Refraction Status Update

My buddy Frans van Nispen, from Xentronix has updated the front page with some news on the Refraction progress.

Read more: Refraction Status Update

Candy Giveaway!

As promised, I'm revealing what our surprise is. To those who pay attention, you know that Tune Tracker 2 PRO was launched today. Is launched today... depends on your timezone really :)

So this weekend I had a little chat with my buddy Dane Scott, of LeBuzz and BeOSRadio fame. What did we talk about? Click on "Read more..." to find out...

Read more: Candy Giveaway!