Nvidia Driver Update: Testers WANTED!

Rudolf Cornelissen has just updated his Nvidia driver, bringing it up to version 0.10-17. Now, this isn't a final release version, but it's very important that everyone downloads and tests it, especially laptops owners and users with DVI connection.

Read below what Rudolf says about this release...

Read more: Nvidia Driver Update: Testers WANTED!

Webb.it 2004 in Padova

The major Italian computer gathering Webb.it will be held next week in Padova, May 5-8th, and this year, as usual, the Italian BeOS Usergroup will be present.

Massimiliano Origgi (from intuiware) will be presenting the latest work on OpenBeOS and Pier Luigi Fiorini, the developer behind BeFree will be showing his latest work. If you plan to visit the gathering, make sure that it will be May 7th!

IsComputerOn wishes the Italian Usergroup the best of luck with webb.it, and hope that one of them can write an report for our readers and provide us with some pictures.

The Dictionary Application Paradigm.

IsComputerOn recently found a new interesting project being developed for BeOS (that also runs under Zeta). Paradigm is a translation / dictionary application developed by Gerasim Troeglazov (alias 3deyes). He is 26 years old and lives in a city far east in the Russian Federation, called Komsomolsk-na-Amure. He is working in an aviation factory as a programmer, and is for some of our readers known as the developer of NaviTracker.

IsComputerOn discovered the project over at the Russian BeOS news site Qube.ru, and has tested the application and asked the developer some questions.

Update: An Italian translation of the article is available at Il tuo Sistema.

Read more: The Dictionary Application Paradigm.

Besol Reopens.

Javier Perez-Griffo, the editor for Besol shot an e-mail my way to let me know that Besol has now reopened, after a 2 years hiatus.

They decided to bring it back in the light of the developments made both by OBOS and yellowTab. This way, the spanish speaking community around the world has one more source of news in their native language. It's always good to see another community/news site coming alive, so welcome back Besol!

yellowTAB to appear on RTL Shop

yellowTAB is as part of their strategy trying to reach out to new groups of potential users, starting to sell Zeta on the German TV channel RTL Shop.

CVO Bernd Korz will appear in their Technische Highlights sending tonight at 19.00 CET, where he will both talk a bit about the company and present Zeta.

So for those of you that have access to this TV channel and want to see the latest development in Zeta, be sure to tune in!

1GB Limit Patcher Released To The Masses.

Euan Kirkhope has just released for download the patch that will allow users with 1GB or more of RAM to boot BeOS/Zeta on their computers.

The patch "tricks" the OS into only seeing 512MB thus enabling it to boot without problems. Do bare in mind though, that it is still in Alpha stages, so if you encounter any problems, report back to the devs so they can work out the quirks.

Boot OpenBeOS From Your HDD!

The OpenBeOS, by the hand of the ubercoder (and basement refugee) Axel D?rfler, has just announced a major milestone for the project:

The IA32 boot loader bindings are now mature enough to boot OpenBeOS from a hard drive if the BIOS supports LBA access (which should be supported by every BIOS for some years now).

The kernel itself doesn't have hard drive access yet, so it will panic soon after (which is the intended behaviour at this point).

Those are really great news from the project. If you want to try it for yourself on your computer, just click the link above (pointing to the OBOS mailing list) and follow the instructions posted by Axel.

French/Belgian BeOS User Group under way!

R?mi Grumeau of BeOS France informed me of something I failed to notice on BeGeistert (one cannot know everything): R?mi is discussing the creation of a French/Belgian BeOS User Group (BUG) together with JiXT of BeDiGiCam fame.

And when talking about knowing everything, BeOS France mentions that the French distributor SYCOMOR offers Zeta RC1 for an introducory price of 59 Euros, and as an upgrade to Zeta RC2 costs 10 Euros, you'll end up having RC2 for only 69 Euros (that's 30.3% off the usual price). BeOS France also wrote a review of BeGeistert (French-only) and posted some pictures (pictures can say more than a thousand words).

BeGeistert 012

- Summary of BeGeistert 012
- Zeta progress (including exclusive screenshots)
- BeGeistert 013 announced

This review comes hot off the press, or at least as hot as I could bring it. Suffice to say that after my journey home on Monday I just needed sleep. But to reward your patience, I have put together something pretty special. Just have a look by clicking read more below.

Read more: BeGeistert 012

More BeGeistert 12 Photos.

As is the norm from our Italian friends, they have made available a fresh new batch of BeGeistert12 photos. In them you can take a close look at ZintrO and take a look at the Zeta Manual.

Thanks to Giuseppe Gargaro for the mail.

On a related note, expect a full BG12 report righ here at ICO quite soon, with exclusive screenshots. Stay tuned.