New Beam Version Released

Oliver Tappe released a couple of days ago, Beam 1.0RC2, the latest version of this mail client.

He's been quite active lately, and the changes presented in the "changes.txt" file are numerous. Just tried it out and I must say, it looks (and handles) good. So head over to the download page and try it out. And don't forget, give feedback!

Stairway To Heaven? Take The Elevator!

This is a couple of days old, but I think it's way too cool. NASA is spending millions of dollars in this project. An elevator, able to reach heights up to 100.000Km up in space.

"At the heart of a space elevator would be a cable reaching up as far as 100,000km from the surface of the Earth. The earthbound end would be tethered to a base station, probably somewhere in the middle of the Pacific ocean. The other end would be attached to an orbiting object in space acting as a counterweight, the momentum of which would keep the cable taut and allow vehicles to climb up and down it."

Brian Edwards, who's been developing the concept for years says: " Initially, people look at me like they're trying to work out whether or not I'm pulling their leg". I wonder why...

Read the whole thing over at The Guardian. What will they think of next...

Double Interview At BeOSJournal.

Chris over at The BeOSJournal has posted a couple of interviews today.

The first featuring Vassilis Perantzakis, of the known BeOS Max release. The second features the well known Michael Paine, owner of the TycomSystems BeShare server.

Also, a couple of days ago, there was an interview with Guillaume Maillard of BlueEyedOS fame, posted over at the new BeOS french site, BeOptimisc.

Head over and read some nice Q&A.

Work On Themis Moves Forward.

My buddy Raymond Rodgers, aka z3r0_one, has just posted here at the ICO forums a status update about Themis, a native BeOS browser.

Work is progressing slowly but steadily and they are asking everyone who can to join their list, download Themis and test the networking code.

For the full post and download instructions, follow the white rabbit.. i mean, follow the link.

Thanks for the update Raymond!

Anti-RIAA Petition.

In case you haven't heard it, there's an anti-RIAA petition going on, started by the EFF: Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Their goal was 10.000 signatures, and with half (about) the weekend gone, they're up to 20.544! An awesome response from users from everywhere. So what are you waiting for? Head over to the petition site and join all the others. Let's make ourselves heard.

Register Away.

It seems that demand for user registration for the homepage itself is increasing. So following that same popular demand, I'm activating the Registration/Login module, which you can find at the right of the page.

Knock yourselves out!

YellowTab Welcomes First Trainee

YellowTab just announced at their site, that they have their first trainee, at their office in Mannheim. Her name: Karoline Recker. Here's what they said:

Read more: YellowTab Welcomes First Trainee

ZetaNews Gets A Facelift.

ZetaNews, ran by my buddy (and all around good guy) Frans vanNispen and his very pretty girlfriend Joyce (great to see you crazy kids together again) has gone under a facelift, and now resembles that site we all loved back in the days, BeNews.

It's definitely looking good, and with such a quality lineup, i'm sure it'll grow in quality and popularity. So go pay them a visit and enjoy.

TBJ Interviews Michael Phipps

My buddy Chris Simmons spent some time with Michael Phipps, for an interview (clean those dirty minds).

An interesting interview, covering the past, present and future of OBOS, go read.

NVidia Driver Progress Update.

Rudolf Cornelissen has just updated his site with some good news. Here's what he had to say:

"Finally! (forgive my sudden burst of enthusiasm :-). I got screen_to_screen blit going in all colordepths on my TNT2. It's still not perfect, and I've got some massive cleaning up to do, but it's sooo nice to finally have this. Of course I also need to check it out on the GeForce cards before I'll release it. Be warned though: it's been said acceleration does not really accelerate on newer GeForce cards due to slow settings of RAM and core speed by these cards BIOSes.. (I'll fix that later on, hopefully.)

Sooo, stay tuned. Sigh.. (Major relief here! ;-)"

Good news indeed. And it seems he's picking up some lines from here... stay tuned! :)