Scottmc let me know that the Team BeOS' out there are being updated to reflect the change of name from OpenBeOS to Haiku, thus they are being renamed (where possible) to Team Haiku. For example, the SETI@home Team OpenBeOS has already been reflaged as Team Haiku.

Over the course of the next few days, Team BeOS and Team Haiku will be updated to reflect the changes.

Scott asks that anyone who starts a new Team Haiku for DC (Distributed Computing) project, to post it at this thread over at the TBJ forums.
Axel D?rfler, uber-basement-coder, published today a news article over at the OpenBeOS site telling of the bootloader progress and he has some juicy shots for us, including one of the Haiku boot logo that is now used during the boot process. It is now also possible to select the video mode from the boot menu (by pressing the space bar).

What's next? In his own words: "Besides getting PCI IDE to work, the next steps involve getting the non-graphical parts of our replacement to work on the new system so that it will open us many BeOS command line applications; right now, only functions in are available.".

Great job.

Update: The Haiku website is available here.
There you have it. For those of you who didn't know it still, the new name for OpenBeOS was revealed today at WalterCon by Michael Phipps, and it is Haiku. The new website will be revealed soon and everyone will be able to visit it.

Also at WalterCon, the beunited JAVA port was shown and ran. They demoed J2SE 1.4.2 running on R5.0.3, compiling and running simple command-line programs.

Stay tuned to BeGroovy for more details. Pictures will be up soon.

Update: First pictures of WalterCon are coming up: picture 1, picture 2 and picture 3.

Update 2: Over at WalterCon they have managed to have a web server running under Java for BeOS. Not only that, but they've managed to remotely access it using BeOS, MacOS and Windows. Go here for a screenshot.
TuneTracker Systems announced the newly available "Customization Services". Through the payment of a fee, radio owners can have TT Systems perform a variety of services, which include (among others):

  • Customized Time Announcements
  • Custom Liners
  • Custom Programming
  • Music Preparation
  • Custom Production
For the full list of custom services and much more available at TuneTracker Systems, click here.

This is another step that helps TT Systems move into the radio world, increasing (I hope) their success.
Good news from today. PC-Craft, Zeta's reseller in Japan, released today a new Japanese input method called "Kaede IM".

There are several Japanese input methods for BeOS 5.0, such as BeIM and Canna, but they all have a few glitches due to differences in the input server of R5 and Zeta. Kaede IM not only solves all these glitches but also supports supports "Kana input" using japanese keyboards.

ICO is proud to announce a new feature available to our readers: BeOS Classifieds. If you take a look to the left of the page, you'll see the link where you can enter the classifieds section.

To my knowledge, it is something that's not available anywhere else, specifically directed to the BeOS world and I believe (and hope) people will find it a useful service in our community. I also hope it will lead to a growing communication inside the community.

If you have hardware, software or a piece of BeOS memorabilia that you want to sell, this is the place to go. Or if you're looking to buy or exchange something in particular you can ask in here.

Only registered users can post ads though everyone can view them and comment on a specific ad they're interested in.

If you have suggestions for the system, use the feedback link on the left. Let's try and make this a valuable tool for the community.
The developers behind the BeOS Instant Messenger Kit yesterday reached a major milestone, as the first messages were sent and received on the yahoo! protocol.

BeOS IM kit has gone through a lot of changes since the last time ICO reported about the project:
* A lot of bugs have been fixed (and new ones added)
* MSN protocol. Basic features are now supported. MSN makes use of OpenSSL.
* yahoo! protocol. Basic features are now supported
* Typing notification has been added
* Notification of changes in your buddies statuses
* Work has been done on away messages in the im_server
* Info Popper has been added. A small application that pops up a little information window when something happens in the IM kit.

Click on Read more... to see two screenshots of one of the first chats held on the yahoo! protocol.

yellowTab officially announced today the release and immediate availability of Zeta RC3, which we recently previewed

RC3 includes a large number of updates and bug fixes and has improved stability and performance. More information here.
ICO recently wrote about the libsvg developed by Michael Lotz.

The developer today released the first public beta of the project. It can be downloaded from his forum. If you want to test it out, please read what the developer wrote in the forum.

The development has come further then what you will see by installing the libbsvg and Tracker.NewFS 3.0 Beta 7. He has published two new screenshots showing that:

- export to file function
- a bsvgeditor

Update:The developer has published a small tutorial on how to write an application that makes use of BSVGView.

For more information, please visit
A new RSS reader for BeOS called Feeder is under development by community member Lars Hansson, better known by his nickname Soulbender. The Python-based RSS reader program uses a parser that supports RSS 0.9 and 1.0, which means that it will work with most syndication feeds, including RSS 2.0, as well as RDF.

Click below for more details and a screenshot.