Xentronix Seeks Feedback

Xentronix has just posted a news item, asking their users and readers to vote in the current poll and help them decide where to focus their work on, for their next release. RC1 is getting close and they are already planning their "next big step".

So what are you waiting for? Go over to their page and vote.

OpenBeOS Bootloader Progress.

I had a small talk with Axel D?rfler last night and he gave me some info on the progress he's been making concerning the OBOS bootloader. He is planning a demo at the next BeGeistert, as he said: "I want to have the PPC version booting 'til BeGeistert".

Click on "Read more..." for the rest of what Axel said about this subject.

Read more: OpenBeOS Bootloader Progress.

You Think <b>YOU</b> Have A Bad Job?

Well, you might think that. Many think that and many are right. But... think for a moment... what don't you like? The boss? The co-workers? The working environment? Or the work itself? In any case, you probably shouldn't be complaining.

Why you ask? Well, if you click on this link right here, you'll see an article describing the worst jobs in science...

Read more: You Think YOU Have A Bad Job?

Speaking of OpenOffice For BeOS/Zeta...

There's been some more than usual talks about porting OpenOffice to BeOS/Zeta. Not only does beunited have a project, but another one showed up not long ago.

The ideal of course would be for them to join efforts, but besides that, and though this isn't news, just a reminder, there's a Source Support project, to help motivate possible coders to join the effort. So if you feel like it, donate, or even better, if you're a coder, join a team and "go do, that voodoo, that you do, so well!".

New Survey: BeStoned.

Time for a new poll. The JLG poll had some interesting results. In first place people would ask him what the hell he was doing, then they would sit down for some java and ask why no Java. A surprisingly high number of voters would have asked to see his hard nipples... I'd rather not comment on that one...

Which brings us to the new survey. Seeing as BeStoned was just cancelled, we would like to know if you would have gone to Amsterdam, if the event had gone through. Vote and let us know!

Office Alternative?

ZetaNews reports: There might be another alternative for an Office app for BeOS/Zeta, called SIAG Office.

The office is under the GPL license and it seems that most of the needed libraries already have a BeOS port. It can also be ran from the shell, making it easy to test. So, anyone feel up to the task? Are you the chosen one? Is your name Neo?

ITBug At Pianeta Amiga.

ITBug will make it's presence noted at the 2003 Pianeta Amiga, which will take place a the italian city of Empoli, next weekend, September 20th and 21st.

ITBug members Christian Celona and Giuseppe Gargaro will be among the presents, and on the 20th, at 17.00h (5pm for the non-metric of you) will do a Zeta presentation.

So, if you're in Italy or around it and want to see Zeta in action, stop by Empoli and have fun.

BeStoned Cancelled!

Microsoft extends it's tentacles once more and its victim this time? BeStoned 007. A Microsoft representant had this to say about the BeOS convention that was planned for Amsterdam (where else): "We simply couldn't allow something this cool to happen" and "Not only was it necessary for us to kill the Amiga, and BeOS, but we simply cannot allow these 'people' any real sort of hope. It's dangerous.".

Read about it over at BeDoper. Are we, the community going to sit idly as this happens? Answer to this Sandwich Boy's cry for help and support!

Interview With Rene Gollent.

I sat down today (with just a few thousands Kms separating us) with Rene Gollent, known member of the BeOS community and part of the Vision team.

ICO: Hello and welcome to our interview Rene. Actually, you're the first person interviewed here at ICO, how does it feel? :)

Rene: Scary :p

Read more: Interview With Rene Gollent.

New Refraction Beta Released!

Xentronix has just announced the release of the latest Refraction beta, version 6.3.

This version includes among several bug fixes, a new preference window and improved key-bindings.

Don't forget about the "Early Bid License", if you haven't ordered it yet, go to Refraction's product page and order now, to benefict from the 50% discount. Great job Xentronix!