As is now the norm, a Code Sprint always follows the latest BeGeistert, and this time was no exception. As usual the results were impressive, with not only the coders present at the Youth Hostel but also others remotely, contributing to the improvement of the OS. Stephan Aßmus, aka stippi, wrote earlier today a report on the Code Sprint results. Lots of bugs were fixed, including some serious kernel ones, improvements were achieved, in behaviour, performance, etc and overall it was a leap forward for Haiku, bringing it into short distance of an Alpha release. A short, two bugs, distance! Great work everyone.

Earlier, there was a write-up on BeGeistert itself. There were several presentations (including François Revol with NetSurf), lots of coding as well and most of all, lots of fun was had by everyone (how I wish I could have been there.. grrrrr). In one picture, you can see Charlie at a brewery, looking as happy and in awe as a kid in Disneyland........