Haiku Conference Double Report.

Jorge Mare, aka Koki, posted a double report on Haiku's presence in two conferences in the past month. First there was OSCON 2009, held by O'Reilly, and according to Jorge it was a tremendous success (he even got to chat with a portuguese guy on the way there, so that only made it better I'm sure). Several community members showed up including Peter Goodeve and Travis Geiselbrecht.

The second venue didn't go so well even before it had even started. OpenSource World basically put them and their display equipment in a separate room at the end of the main hall. According to Jorge "the room was all the way in the back of the exhibit floor, behind a small door that was not particularly obvious, so unless you came really close to it, it was very easy to miss". A shame really. Despite the setback they managed to put up a good show and even wow some folks when they went over to the Dell booth and booted Haiku up on one of their machines, via a USB stick. There's a ton more to read, so head over there and enjoy.

Very good job guys, I'd like to thank Jorge, Urias, Scott and everyone else involved in helping to show Haiku to more and more people.