BeGeistert 022 Coming Up!

Well folks it's that time of the year again. A time where geeks from all over (well, Europe mostly) gather around and drink coke or other similar beverages. And damn how I wish I was going. Unfortunately BeGeistert 022 will be a miss for me and it's a shame because this one will have some surprises up its sleeves. Oh yes...

BeGeistert 022 "Return of the Cola-Coder" starts tomorrow with the early birds who usually begin to arrive in the afternoon and as usual it'll be held in Dusseldorf's Youth Hostel (if you haven't been there since they renovated it, let me tell you, I was impressed with the work they did), so if you're close by or have time off work, you can still make it! Charlie and the team will be there to help you with whatever you need as always, even if to do that he has to take the jacket off his own back (yep, true) :)

I'm sure it'll be great fun as always and like I said before, damn how I wish I was going. Have fun everyone.