Haiku Signs Key Developer.

Today is a good day. Today is a day which will remain in Haiku history. Today is the day Haiku Inc. announced a new developing contract and what a contract it is. Haiku Inc. and Michael Lotz (aka mmlr) have signed a 6 month contract for Michael to work full-time on Haiku. And it's not the end. There is the intention to extend the contract for another 6 months (funds allowing), which would be historical indeed.

Michael has, along the years, worked in differents bits and pieces of Haiku, most recently he did some great work on IO-APICS which allowed Haiku to boot on more hardware than ever. And the quality of his work speaks for itself. For the duration of the contract Michael will focus his attention on different parts of Haiku, for example WPA/WPA2 support (together with Axel?) and extending his work on the USB stack, to name only a couple. I for one am hoping WPA/WPA2 support will be number 1 on his list :)

As I said in the beginning, today is a day for Haiku history, let's hope others will follow. But don't forget that, for that to happen, Haiku needs our help as well.