[Updated] Reminder: BeGeistert 25!

In case you're unaware it's that time of the year again, it's... BeGeistert time!! And this is a big occasion for BeGeistert, since it's celebrating it's silver anniversary, edition 25. Once again it'll be held in Dusseldorf's most excelent Youth Hostel and it's only two weeks ago, number 25 will take place on the March 31st/April 2nd weekend. Why the extra Monday you ask? Well, unfortunately there won't be a coding sprint this time so one extra day was arranged for some crunching and bug squashing time.

If you're all booked and ready to go, the wait is almost over. If you're still undecided... what are you waiting for? Book your place, book your flight or bus/train/bike and get ready for little sleep, some coding and lots of fun... and coke drinking. And here's to 25 more BeGeisterts!

Update: Registrations are now open!