Haiku's First Bugfix Weekend.

Tomorrow marks the start of the first ever Haiku's Bugfix Weekend, during which developers from all over the world, old (so to speak) and new (hopefully), get together using BeShare and get their coding skills working at full speed, trying to squash as many bugs as possible. This idea was first layed on the table over at Haiku's developer mailing list and quick gained traction. You can take part of course from Haiku using the beloved BeShare and even from other OSes by using JavaShare.

This falls squarely and nicely on BeGeistert 25 which has actually already started! Since internet access is now available during BeGeistert, we're hoping all of those devs together in one room might put even more power behind the bugfix weekend. Good luck everyone and happy squashing.

P.S.: It's really, really great to see BeShare again in the news and being used, whenever I used it in the past few months (and more) it was always empty. Ah the memories...