Michael Lotz Returns to Haiku.

As you are aware, a few months ago Michael had to take a step back from Haiku due to RealLifetm. The good news is, he's now back and back to coding as well. Matt published yesterday a news piece over at the Haiku website with this information, along with some... artistic improvisation (in the very large sense of the word, ahem...). And today, just a few minutes ago actually, Michael has published a new blog entry detailing the project he's currently working on and I must say, it's damn interesting: generating QR codes from KDL. QR codes have been used more and more for the past couple of years and nowadays you can find them almost everywhere, from app markets to advertisement (with people now including them in CVs as well).

The idea is to simplify the process of capturing the KDL information displayed on the computer screen, without the need to, for example, writing it down by hand. Michael goes on to describe the limitations to this and the possible way to overcome such limitations, e.g. generating several QR codes instead of just one. As I mentioned above is damn interesting, so head over and read his full post.

Welcome back Michael, it's great to have you in our midst again.