Two New Dev Contracts - Haiku Needs YOU!

The news were posted just recently over at the Haiku website that soon, two new development contracts will begin. One, by Adrien Destugues (aka Pulkomandy), will focus on WebPositive, the WebKit port and the Services Kit. The other, by Pawel Dziepak (aka pdziepak) will focus on the CPU scheduler, in particular cache usage, performance on HT-enabled machines and power consumption. This has the current development contracts regarding Package Management, by Ingo and Oliver, are winding down.

New development contracts are always exciting, it's always great to have a developer working full time on Haiku, but there are costs involved, and that's where you come in. Haiku needs your support, this time in the shape of donations. Though we wish developers could all be payed in pizza and Coke, unfortunately it seems some have "bills to pay", whatever that is, so Haiku needs your help in extending these two development contracts beyond their current one-month only period. So head over to the donation page and donate what you can and remember, you have two kidneys!