Financial and Coding Updates.

On the coding side, Adrien (no accent) has continued his work on the WebKit port, posting his 19th blog update on Friday. In it he details his work for the past week, which include for example, working on css shadows support and, something that might have a very nice impact in browsing speed, gzip/deflate compression support.

Still coding related, this year's Google Summer of Code page is now up, including the ideas page. After several years as a mentoring organization, Haiku unfortunately wasn't picked last year, so here's hoping we're back in for 2014. Not long to go now till we find out, Google will announce the chosen projects on February 24th, just 9 more days!

On the financial side of things, there was a post detailing 2013's money situation. Haiku saw an increase in donations, which allowed several development contracts and more recently allowed Adrien to keep on working throughout this month of February. And we, all of us, can do even more. Be sure to keep on donating and we can help Adrien continue his excellent work on WebKit and Webpositive for another month(s).