Some are already hard at work, some may still be experiencing the effects of too much partying, but to everyone, have a happy 2014.

And what better way to start the new year than to have the two development contracts extended? Pawel is getting two more weeks while Adrien is getting one more full month. Awesome stuff. And as always, if you want them to keep going, please donate to Haiku and help make it happen.

We here at ICO would like to wish everyone out there happy holidays. Hope you're all having a good time with your loved ones or by yourself, if that's the case. And in between opening gifts and stuffing yourself full of delicious treats, why not read the latest updates from Adrien and Pawel, regarding their respective dev contracts?

Happy holidays everyone!

Though ICO's been quiet, it doesn't mean things have been quiet in the Haiku world, not at all. I'm sure you've been following Adrien's progress with the WebKit port, as well as Pawel's work on the scheduler. Unfortunately those contracts were to end now, at the end of November...

But great news came out of California today, via the Haiku website. Google has donated $5000 USD which has allowed both contracts, Adrien's and Pawel's, to be extended for another month, allowing them keep improving on their projects.

This isn't the first time Google has donated money to Haiku, as you'll recall, and it's great to see Haiku being noticed by one of the biggest corporations in the world. It could be that they've donated money to other organizations left out of this year's GSoC, but it could also be that someone at Google really likes Haiku. If that's the case, I would love to know who. Any clues?

Big thanks to Google.

Being a Haiku user/developer/tester (or all of the above), you'll know one of the things where it's lacking, it's an up-to-date browsing experience. And with that in mind, Adrién (aka PulkoMandy) has been working on updating WebPositive and WebKit, under a development contract. Ealier this morning Adrien posted his weekly update number 3. This week he's been making good progress, fixing issues with POST data, cookies handling (with a few more commits this morning) and even had time to write some documentation. He even found some time to make available packages for other software, such as Caya!

I know I'm not the only one following his progress, anxiously waiting for the final result, so head over to Haiku's website and read his full update. No preview build though, we have to wait a bit longer for that.

As you're well aware, for the past few months Ingo and Oliver have both been working for Haiku, under their development contracts, specifically working on package management. And though a bit later than originally planned (which was just before BeGeistert), Ingo has now merged the PM branch into Haiku's master branch. I'm sure they're both happy of this milestone, especially as they were being asked about "the merge" every 5 minutes while in Dusseldorf.

Not only that, but work is being done on HaikuDepot, an application which will be the frontend for the package manager. René did some work during the coding sprint at BG and also a Google Code Project has been created by Stephan, to tackle the web application side of things. The group has 4 other members, along of course with Stephan.

Things are moving along and it's great to see progress being made (also see Adrien's first weekly report about his work on WebPositive). Hopefully, if no "blockers" are found, we should have a new release in the near future.

The current nightlies are all pre-merge, but according to Matt, new images should be available soon, so once they're ready for download, get them, install them, test the hell out of them and make sure to report any bugs found.

Great job everyone!!

During this afternoon here at the 2nd day of BeGeistert (and last, if you don't count the coding sprint) there was a discussion between all 14 of us here, regarding what's coming, or what we'd like to see coming, for Haiku.

New release or not, name of the release, what to do after the release, branching, lots of different things. Once it was done, Niels sent an e-mail to the haiku-dev mailing list and we'd like everyone to voice their opinion about it. You can read the mail here, but you do need to be a subscriber to be able to reply. So head over, read it, have a think and then reply with your thoughts.

This is a Public Service Announcement: BeGeistert is (barely) one week away!

Yep, it's that (earlier) time of the year again, the time where a bunch of people from different countries flock to Düsseldorf to get together, eat pizza, drink coke and lose sleep. Oh, and it's about Haiku as well. Officially starts this coming Saturday but people start arriving on Friday and as been happening for the past few years, there will be a coding sprint during the following week, so expect a lot of commits from the devs who'll stay at the youth hostel for the long run.

It's a week away, so there's still plenty of time for you to register and book those plane/train/bus/rickshaw tickets. You know you want to, it'll be fun. See you there!

The news were posted just recently over at the Haiku website that soon, two new development contracts will begin. One, by Adrien Destugues (aka Pulkomandy), will focus on WebPositive, the WebKit port and the Services Kit. The other, by Pawel Dziepak (aka pdziepak) will focus on the CPU scheduler, in particular cache usage, performance on HT-enabled machines and power consumption. This has the current development contracts regarding Package Management, by Ingo and Oliver, are winding down.

New development contracts are always exciting, it's always great to have a developer working full time on Haiku, but there are costs involved, and that's where you come in. Haiku needs your support, this time in the shape of donations. Though we wish developers could all be payed in pizza and Coke, unfortunately it seems some have "bills to pay", whatever that is, so Haiku needs your help in extending these two development contracts beyond their current one-month only period. So head over to the donation page and donate what you can and remember, you have two kidneys!

Last Sunday marked not only Haiku's birthday but also the sixth Haiku Down Under conference, held (you guessed it) where people are always upside down, toilets flush the other way around but where a BMW's X6's globe box still opens just fine, Australia.

Sikosis has just published his report over at the Haiku website and though there were some glitches during the procedures (conferences and such are like software itself, never bug-free), it went quite well, reaching at one point 39 live viewers. So head over and read his full report which I'm sure you'll enjoy and of course, you can watch it here.

It's August 18th (at least in this part of the world) for a little bit longer, and in case you're not aware, that means today is Haiku's birthday. That's right, Haiku turns 12 today, so it's a pre-teen now, pretty soon it'll start rebelling and thinking it knows everything there is to know. But for now, let's enjoy these interesting times in Haiku's life.

Beta 1 is closer than ever, seeing as Package Management is moving forward by leaps and bounds (sometimes steps and strides), thanks to the ongoing contract with Ingo and Oliver and, in other also exciting news, there might be two new development contracts coming soon, though for now you'll have to stay tuned during the coming weeks to know more about it. BeGeistert is coming as well, only a few weeks away along with a coding sprint, so you know what that means, more commits and bug squashes, just what the doctor recommended.

So join me in wishing Haiku a very Happy Birthday and here's to (at least) 12 more years, though by then, we of course expect total world domination.