Links' Haiku Code Updated. (Updated)

François Revol, aka mmu_man, aka kung fu master, aka "Haiku's Carradine", has updated the Links Haiku port.. This is Links, the text and images browser, not to be confused with Lynx, which is the text only sibling. Links can for example use X11, or another GUI available, to display the site's images. As you can see from the screenshots below (thanks François), it's a basic but working browser. It's no Firefox and definitely no Internet Explorer (I kid, I kid), but it does what it's supposed to do. Good job François, now go finish the other stuff ;)

Click me

Click me

Update: François got the graphics support almost done, as you can see in this screenshot.

Update 2: My apologies to Michael Lotz. As he rightfully wrote on his comment, he first brought Links to Haiku. When talking with François he stated that he was only updating the code, but I neglected to update the title and remove the part of the first sentence mentioning he was bringing it to Haiku. We even ran a piece on it! *smacks forehead*. So once again my apologies to Michael and thanks for correcting me. We all know how much I need that :)