Rudolf Cornelissen Q&A.

As you all know, after a hiatus, Rudolf Cornelissen, driver coder extraordinaire and all round good guy is back to his coding days, though much less hectic, fortunately. And what do you when a coder returns, if you're part of a site such as ICO? You ask questions of course. Rudolf, as always, was kind enough to take the time to answer them, and the result is what you'll read past the break. It's only 3 questions, since we didn't want to scare him with a barrage of enquiring phrases.

Now that you're bored from the intro, click below to read the Q&A. Thanks Rudolf. 

ICO: Now that you're back, you've started working again on Haiku's Nvidia driver. What are your plans for it?

Rudolf: Just helping out a bit. Just having some fun, hopefully more on 3D support and maybe G8xxx support in a new accelerant (if I ever get to it that is, considering the low amount of time I have to spare). Gxxx support is something I cannot do without hardware at least, so it remains to be seen if it's at all possible for me to work on it. (I'm not likely to spend much money on it as I did before...)

ICO: Will you keep working on the Nvidia drivers only, or do you plan on spreading your work?

Rudolf: No spreading as you will understand. Moving could be, I'll just see where the future will take me.

ICO: As I'm sure everyone knows, AMD has opensourced ATI's drivers. What are your thoughts on this and do you plan on diving in and help others (like Euan) with the current BeOS/Haiku ATI driver?

Rudolf: I hope nVidia will do this as well in the future, but I need to see it before I believe it (of course :). I was very much surprised to learn about this (and Intel's own opensource Linux driver). If ATI will kept being developed and the opening up is for real, and final, I think alternate OSses have a serious risk of getting real good (opensource) 3D support.