Ports Related News.

Today, on this, the holliest of days (a Monday without work), ICO brings you (late) two port related news. First, the CUPS port now has a developer, and surprise surprise, it's Ithamar Adema! Ithamar has plenty of previous CUPS experience, working on it for yellowTAB and I'm sure he'll bring it up to speed in no time, I'm guessing... the "code-a-thon" just before BeGeistert, so who knows, those attending the next BG in January could be in for a treat.

For the other related port news, the subject is the webkit port. As you can read in our previous post, they achieved their first decent rendering, even if from the HDD and not via network. And so, Jorge Mare, aka Koki, decided to push Andrea Anzani, aka xED, against the wall and ask him a few questions. Over at his snowy blog, you can read the Q&A which covers Andrea's part on the port and for example what's still missing. So what are you waiting for? Go over there and read it. Enjoy and great work everyone.