Haiku in the News. (Updated)

Following in the SCaLE's footsteps and Bruno Albuquerque's presentation, Haiku has been in the news all over the place. It first started with Ars Technica's "Haiku Poetically Resurrects BeOS" written by former BeOS user Ryan Paul. That article in turn got picked up by (that I know of) Engadget and Slashdot. Haiku's website got hammered quite a lot, but seems to be fine as I'm writing this.

It's always great to see the project make the "big" news sites, bringing more and more attention to it, which in turn increases awareness and who knows, could even bring more users and developers. Nice.

Update: This slipped by, but OSNews also picked up this story of course. Here's the link. Now Thom, where's my sheep?