Haiku Makes it Into Google Summer of Code 2008

Haiku yesterday announced that they, for the second straight year, have been accepted as a mentor organization for the Google Summer of Code.

The student application period will start soon, so if you are a student who would like to work on a Haiku project for the GSoC 2008, please check out their comprehensive List of GSoC Ideas and pages for detailed information on how to apply. If you still have any questions specific to GSoC after reading these pages, please contact the Haiku GSoC administrator (Bruno Albuquerque).

If you have any general questions about Haiku and want to start familiarizing yourself with our community, which we encourage you to, please join the Haiku development mailing list and also feel free to stop by the #haiku IRC channel on irc.freenode.net. Our friendly community members will be glad to help you out in pursuing a Haiku project for the GSoC 2008 and beyond.