BeGeistert 022 Report. (Updated)

BeGeistert 022 was last weekend (with the Coding Sprint this week) and Humdinger wrote and published his report on the happenings. He reports on the progress made by some developers like Ingo for example and also Stephan with his Webpositive work (which he just a few days ago reported on as well).

BeGeistert 022 was one for returns. The name given to this edition was "Return of the Cola-Coder" and Ithamar was there alright. He brought with him a lot of code concerning printing, which he's been commiting into the tree. Another return (remember I mentioned a surprise when introducing BeGeistert 022 a couple of weeks ago?) was the return of yellowTAB. You read that right. yellowTAB is planning something around Haiku and is (will be) commiting a lot of code into Haiku itself.

Pictures. We all love pictures (pervs) and since we're on BG, here are some BG pictures for you to enjoy.

Update:  Here are five more photos by Humdinger himself.