Haiku Inc Site Launched.

This past week the new website for Haiku Inc. was launched. In case you don't know, Haiku Inc. was founded back in 2003 and is a non-profitable organization and its goal is to support the Haiku Project. It manages the donations made to Haiku (which for example are used for Haiku Code Drives and to pay coders such as Axel at the moment) along with the tax "needs" so to speak.

In the site you can read up about Haiku Inc of course, its goals, board members and several documents, for example this year's budget. If you ever wanted to know a bit more of the inner workings of Haiku, this is a good place. Most important of all is the donation page, where you can donate either in USD or EUR, one time only or on a recurring basis. They accept not only Paypal, Google Checkout and Amazon Payments but also check, money orders and transfers. What are you waiting for to donate? I just did! You know you want to, it'll feel good, I promise.

Good job Matt (and everyone else involved).