RadeonHD Driver Status Update. (Updated)

For the past few months, kallisti5 (aka Alexander) has been working on a driver for ATI/AMD Radeon cards, a work many of us have been anxiously waiting for... ANXIOUSLY! Yesterday afternoon Alexander posted his latest status update and things are looking better and better. Multi-monitor detection won't be a problem for example, although some limitations still exist of course (this is afterall a work in progress), such as only analog input works for now.

Alexander so far tested his driver with 4 cards (from the Radeon 2400 up to the 5830) and I can't wait to give it a spin on my Radeon Mobility 5650. So how about we all chip in and lock Alexander down in the basement with lots of pizza and Pepsi? I'll bring the pizzas.

Update: And just like that, this afternoon, with commit 42888, Alexander enabled the radeon_hd driver in the nightly build. So everyone with an AMD card download the next nightly and give it a go, see if you get a beautiful Haiku desktop or... not so much. Good luck and great job Alexander.