25th BeGeistert

Yes, it's that time of the year again, and Charlie Clark and the Haiku Support Association e.V. are once again ready to host developers and users at youth hostel in Düsseldorf. There will not be a coding sprint this time, but many of Haiku's core developers will be attending.

BeGeistert is a social event where Haiku developers and users come together to share their ideas, experiences and discuss the future of Haiku. There will also be workshops, and presentations for those interested.

BeGeistert will take place from from 30th March to 2nd April 2012. For visitors who are not staying over night, BeGeistert is open from 9:30 to 19:00. Attending BeGeistert costs EUR 45 whether for all three days or just one. This includes lunch for both days and is part of the organizers' contractual obligation with the Youth Hostel. Bed and breakfast costs EUR 27.50 per night.

Usually up to 50 people can be expected to attend. Will you attend this spring?

For further information, please visit BeGeistert.org