Open-sourcing Refraction

Many of you might recall the image editor Refraction, created by Frans van Nispen of Xentronix (also the creator of SampleStudio). At the time this was created for BeOS and Zeta but unfortunately it was last updated 10 years ago. Well there's now some in the community who would like to open-source Refraction so it can be easily updated and kept current. And for that they've created a crowd funding campaign, which you can check out here.

The amount is steep though. According to Frans, it'll take €10,000 to open-source it and at the moment only USD $570 have been pledged, which comes to around €510, so there's a long way to go. If you feel this is a worthy cause, head over to the link above and add your pledge. You can also view the discussion going on in the Haiku's site's forum, by going here.

Thanks to Matthias, aka Paradoxon, for the tip.