Haiku's December Report.

After a break due to BeGeistert, Adrien has resumed posting his monthly reports, the latest one covering, of course, December, the last gasp of 2015. The report as usual covers what the devs have been working on and the commits range from hrev49750 up to hrev50011 (yay 50k!!).

The hightlights for me are the app_server improvements made by jua (which he demoed while at BeGeistert, if you recall the reports), the inclusion of the USB 3 driver by default (can't wait to try it, since without it I'm unable to boot it on my laptop) and... Rudolf is back!!! We exchanged a few messages a few months back, via LinkedIn, and was very happy to know he's doing well, and it's great to know he's back in Haiku-land, even if it ends up just being for a little while. He really is a very nice guy, and as such, welcome back Rudolf!