Let's make a quick moral decision. Would you fire someone over making a picture that shows absolutely no more than the inside of a truck with a few palettes of G5 Macs, some trees and some concrete? (see for yourself)

Made up your mind? Good, now click read more. Microsoft says "yes, definitely", and Michael Hanscom knows that all too well now. Michael was a temporary employee at MScopy, the in-house print shop of you-know-who.

As the shipping and receiving is in the same building of MScopy, this Mac fanatic working for Microsoft (?) took a picture and posted it on his blog on Thursday. For Microsoft a good reason to literally tell him "You're no longer welcome on the Microsoft campus," or was it?

Michael has already been mentioned on all the big computer sites, including as Slashdot, The Register and IsComputerOn (whoops sorry). If it wasn't for Microsoft's decision, nearly nobody would have seen the picture and Michael would never have been hero of the day. Good luck finding a new job, Michael! Try here.