
Because of the generally encouraging replies to the previous posting, which specifically asked for comments on whether I should post an overview of highlights on Be(OS)-related auctions, here is the second list. In case you happen to see anything on auction sites other than eBay, please let me know in the comments. I've been looking around on other websites but no results there.

These updates will be weekly
Product Category Price $* Bids* Comments
Original Be shirt Clothing 5.99
Be vinyl transfer sticker Merch 4.50
BeOS Advanced Progr. Book 0,99
Easy money!
BeOS Bible Book 0,99
More easy money!
BeBox dual-133MHz Geek toys 1,026.00
SOLD to zebis

* - Price and number of bids can vary. The information as shown with it is based upon the current state when the table was created and is therefore only for indicatory purposes. No claims can be made upon this information.