Time for some action

There is a shout for more action. Only last week, LeBuzz wrote about SampleStudio desperately needing to be further developed to at least version 1.0 (you can still get in touch with Dane Scott if you want to help). And even today, Edge spoke up and mentioned he really needs some donations, or he unfortunately won't be able to do any more development for BeOS (see a few articles below). Now LeBuzz comes with yet another remarkable call for action: scheduler applications (click read more). Of course we have scheduler applications on BeOS already, three to be precise, but they all lack something. Scheduler is brilliant but its developer seems to have disappeared, BeTasks has outstanding BeOS integration but is very limited, and Cron is a quite difficult to work with Terminal-application that could certainly do with a graphical user-interface (GUI).

Dane Scott of LeBuzz is aiming at getting one or more developers to create a GUI for Cron, preferrably one that is inspired by Scheduler's interface. As done with the SampleStudio, the project should get organised and also make it liable for donations. Post a comment over at LeBuzz if you feel this is your call.