Newsupdate on BeOS IM kit and BeGadu

Much has happened the last couple of weeks when it comes to Instant Messaging under BeOS / Zeta.

The development of BeOS IM kit has been picked up by Mikael Eiman (m_eiman). Today he released alpha 6 of the IM kit. He is looking for tester for the latest release, as he is finding it harder and harder to find the bugs on his own. Even though it is in an alpha stage, it is quite stable, but needs some more features before reaching beta stage. In the latest release the developer has fixed some more bugs and added a Deskbar replicant.

The latest version: (only works with Zeta and BeOS with Bone).

Today also a new IM client got it's first release on BeBits. Gadu is an instant messanger application, designed to work with IM protocols popular in Poland, but it could also be used by others.

The GNU Gadu, which BeGadu is based on, is a plugin based application, even GUI ( which uses GTK+) is a plugin. Currently we support: Gadu-Gadu,, Jabber. GNU Gadu also has support for sending SMS messages.

Related link: