yellowTAB Has Two Great Announcements.

yellowTAB is pleased to announce that it will be attending the CeBIT in Hannover this year.

Bernd Korz, yellowTAB's CVO, said that "There's so much interest in Zeta and yellowTAB at the moment that I could be in 20 different places around the world at once at the moment and still not talk to everyone. CeBIT gives us the chance not only to present Zeta and Zintr0 to new customers but also to meet and discuss with our partners."

CeBIT is the world's largest IT and telecommunications fair and is held in Hannover, Germany from 18th - 24th March. For more details and how to get there see the CeBIT homepage.

Visit yellowTAB in Hall 11, Stand E14.

For all those that want to know more about Zeta or more about the yellowTAB team there's another TV show coming up soon: CEO Torsten Linde and CVO Bernd Korz will yet again appear live on NBC Giga TV the 8th and 9th March. The German language programme is available on cable and satellite throughout Europe and on the internet.